That is been the major focus of this week - catching up....on everything. Laundry, chores, shopping, adventures, the list goes on, but those are the main ones. It has been a VERY busy few weeks. I am thinking that since my last post, I have successful hosted 2 state tournaments in Colorado. I had a great visit from my parents where we took them on many adventures, including the dog park in Evergreen and a day at Copper Mountain. We had a few snowstorms, Liam started walking and I'm sure there are many more things I am forgetting about, which stinks. I was enjoying this blog as a chance to really share my thoughts and feelings, but it has turned more so into me recording things so I don't forget them. But I got busy, work was killing me, getting here early and taking work home. But now, now I have a few minutes to breath and figure things out.
And here I am, back on track, with writing about my life, my adventures, my story. I'm sure everyone has been dying to see this! Anyways, it has been a month since my last post and I can go back and relive it all, but for now, I think I will just share some highlights. Liam started to walk, run and climb everything in sight. The mom in me makes me want to tell him to stop because he is going to hurt himself, but the climber in me is so excited to watch him on the fire place and watch him try to figure out how to get higher. Now, he has not gotten off the ground, but with Sean hanging cams and biners from the fireplace doesn't help. Then I think how exciting it will be when Liam really wants to climb. Liam also has decided he no longer wants to nurse at night, which takes us down to once a day, if even that. I'm not going to get into that in this blog, I'm sure over the next few days I will have plenty more to say on that. My little guy is growing up...he still sleeps with us, which I will treasure every minute of!
My parents visit was too short and so much fun. We took a trip to the dog park in Evergreen, as I said. My dad just hung out while my mom and I went out on the loop. We had to stop and rest a few times, but overall, it was a great day. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and Liam and Burton had a blast. We also spent a day in Denver, well, actually at REI and the park around it. We got to see someone kayak and paddle board. Liam wanted to go in the river, but we opted to not let him do that. Well, actually, Sean was discouraging it, I was all for it. And then I remembered that I have fallen in my fair share of oceans as a kid, so I listened to everyone else. We found a Jack in the Box for a taco snack and headed home that day. We spent another day at Copper Mountain. It was amazing and should have been a blog in itself, but again, I've fallen behind. Sean and I got to ride all day, while Dot, Papa and Liam hung out in the sunshine - perhaps Papa got a bit too much. Sean took me to the back bowls, in which I took the lame way down. I tried to ride to the top on a t-bar, but failed, I also had a good wipe out in which I was grateful for wearing my helmet. But, I am still better than I was last time I went, which feels so good, to keep getting better, faster and less afraid. Hopefully we will get in one or 2 more times before the season wraps up, but we will see!
I am also excited about the fact that I am working out again, almost in a consistent manner. I went running today, the 2nd time in a few weeks. And we joined a gym, which I'm not a huge fan of, but it will help me in my goal to get stronger. I am hoping to run at least twice a week, even if it's only a couple of miles, and even if I'm slower than the turtle that passed me today, it's still something. I struggled with some demons at the gym the other day, I wasn't as fit as her or her, or the old me. I wasn't looking as good as I wanted to and I was just frustrated by that. And then I had my run today...and man, I am so happy to love running again. I felt like my head was clear and all I was thinking about was running, not how fast, or how far, or was I the slowest, I was thinking about how I was out there - doing it. And then I realized's such a waste of time to compare yourself to other people. I can't even compare myself to me. I am such a different person than I ever was, I'm a mom now and an adventurer and so many other things that define me. And I love being the person I am - and I love working on being the person I hope to be one day. And at the end of the day, I'm going to be happy with me, because, really, life is just too short not to be.
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