Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ahhh, more climbing....

I know, that's a little less than exciting, to keep talking about climbing.  I could talk a bit about the weekend.  We had a nice time, saw Sean's Lemons race, hung out with some friends, got a nice hike in at the dog park, had a lovely dinner by the creek, saw elk and deer and yes, it was a great weekend.  I don't think I am taking my weekends for granted, I just know that I have written about those things and I have to try to keep things a little exciting.

Ha, which is why I am writing about climbing.  I am excited about climbing again, I love it.  I can't believe how much I missed it.  Even as my forearms burn as I type this, it's totally worth it.  The feeling of making a move that you couldn't make last time, or making it almost to the top of the 5.9 that you weren't even close to last time, those feelings can't be summed up in anything other than awesome.  Ugh, and I can't stop thinking about this one route today for some reason, a 5.9, that I think I tried before, but didn't make it as far as I did this time and duh, the hold I needed was right in front of me, but I missed it.

Anyways, lessons from climbing today - my grip strength is improving quickly and dramatically, which is why I made it as far as I did today up my 5.9.  My technique, while it is still pretty crappy is getting me to the top of some pretty tough routes and getting me past some cruxes that I didn't think I'd get past.  And to be honest, right now, my technique is the least of my concern.  I laughed about it the other day...the last time I climbed regularly was when I was super pregnant, you know past pregnant.  So my technique changed, it's hard to stay close to wall when the last time you climbed serious you had a belly bigger than a whale - and a cow, I think I was a cow-whale at that stage.  So, anyways, I am working on keeping my hips in, but mostly I am working on building my endurance and strength.  I have plenty of time until next summer, until I can work hard and get myself ready for our serious summer of climbing.  And I am going to laugh at my poor fake belly technique and be a little pissed when I miss that hold right in front of me, and be thrilled when I leave the gym, sweaty with my arms throbbing so much it is a challenge to hold the steering wheel, ah, yes, climbing...what a wonderful way to get my body moving.

Ooh, and I just realized, I'll have calluses again in no time!  :)

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