- The way he says "ummm" when I ask him a question, the way I watch his wheels turn in his head to figure it out and come up with an answer, it doesn't matter what the question is, whether it's what's for dinner or why are there stars in the sky, he always pauses and thinks so hard before he spills out some silly answer that makes me laugh.
- His adventurous spirit to try almost anything that he isn't supposed to try. The way he approaches something new - he still needs mommy and daddy to help with things, but once we get him going, he loves what he has attempted.
- The way he talks and spends each day trying to say new things, learn new things and share new things. He rattles off the numbers 1 - 5 all the time and is starting with ABC's, it's hard to believe he was barely babbling a year ago.
- The way he puts himself to sleep like a big boy after a few stories. And the way he sits up and cries for me if he needs me, or the way he stomps into our room for cuddles and water, even though he typically brings the water with him.
- The way he sits up in the middle of the night, needing water and then telling me to move my arm so he can cuddle me, or the way he turns me over if my back is facing him to get me to cuddle him.
- The way he picks out his pj's or his shirt for the day, even though they might not fit any longer - there is no changing his mind.
- The way he leans on me (painfully) with his elbows to see what book is next. It digs into me, so now I tell him to get the book and come back to bed, he slides out of bed, stomps to his books and squats down until he finds one of his liking. I also love the way he kneels next to me, knowing that I am tired of the Curious George dump truck book, but he buries his head in my tummy, picks it up, covers his face and says George dump truck, laughs and buries his head again, how can I resist that.
- The way that each day there is something new that he does that cracks me up and how he remembers that and does it time and time again to make me laugh.
- The way he will laugh with me when I start to laugh about nothing, just to hear him laugh and how hard he will laugh
- How he wants to sit on my lap and read books, I'll enjoy it while there is still a lap for him to sit on.
I'm sure I can go on and on about him, about the kid he is becoming, about his energy, and everything else, but for now, I will stop and I will smile. I will think about going to get to pick him up and spending the next 2 weeks with him, playing, exploring, making messes and driving me crazy. I love watching him grow and I am working hard to enjoy each and every minute of his crazy childhood, especially now, while I can, while he is my sole attention getter. I worry a bit about how things will be next year at this time, but that's not worth thinking about, Liam is going to be a great big brother and for now, I'll enjoy him and just him, and when #2 makes it's appearance, the dynamic will change, but one thing one, that I love my little Liam more than anything in the world. And he will always bring this joy to my life, soon he will get to share it with more. Happy birthday little man, you continue you amaze me and you continue to change the world and me all at the same time. I can't wait to see what this year holds for you.
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