It was Father's Day weekend and Sean was on call. It's always tricky to figure out what to do when that is the case. Do we go and do something we want to do all together, do we take seperate cars, or do we just stay home and hang out? This time it seemed like we would be able to take one car and he'd not have to go to work. We started out on Friday night to the family night of the rodeo. They have barrel races, rides for kids, drill team on horses and all kinds of other fun things. Our first stop was to get my little guy a cowboy hat. I spotted one I liked as well and while I tried mine on, Liam actually left the one on that Sean put on his head. He actually left it on which is a first. So, we decided he might actually like it and got it for him. I found one as well. We proceded to walk past a few more booths, the kids rides and the food to get to the arena. Here we watched some horses for as long as Liam could sit still - which was not very long. We then left to get some food. Liam had his first taste of a funnel cake, which he kept referring to as a donut. It was great, he mostly just picked off the powdered sugar. Meanwhile, Cora just hung out in her little carrier and just went along for the ride, thank goodness she is good at that! Liam also insisted on a train ride - I was so proud and a little sad to watch him climb in all by himself and go on his merry way. I do recall in September going on a ride like that with him, was REALLY glad he wanted to go on his own.

It's so funny, kids - while there is no way I wanted to squeeze myself in that little car again, a huge part of me is sad - sad becuase he doens't need me there for him in this case. I know this kid will always need him mommy, but the older he gets, the less that seems to be. It's tough - to remember that - to remember to enjoy his crazy energy instead of get annoyed at it. It's hard to realize that each day he wakes up a different kid than he went to bed as.
He has new thoughts, new ways to play, new things to say. I look at him and feel I can see him getting smarter, more creative and less scared to try new things. Thankfully, he still has a little bit of fear, but not much. He wants to explore and run off and doesn't really get what might happened - all of that is learning, but still, alarming to me. That's why we are going to keep doing these things, keep on taking the kids places they might not remember.
The next day was the parade. It was in downtown to Evergreen so we met a friend, got some donuts and waited...always the hardest part. The parade was great, but again, it was even more fun to watch Liam, to watch him learn to get candy from the street, to see him in awe of the giant monster truck, to have him excited to see the big dogs, the horses and everything else in between. He makes me so happy and so proud. He really is turning into this amazing kid, instead of a baby or toddler. Time does fly - seems like just yesterday I was wearing him around!
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