So, each year for the kids birthday I spend a few minutes reflecting back on their births, the journey we have taken so far and some favorite things about each of them at each age. And while I'd be happy to recount her birth again (I play it over and over in my head quite often, always with a smile on my face) and talk about our journey, I'll just skip right to the fun part. Cora is 2 - and in that time she has become her own person, with her own thoughts and ideas and has certainly has learned to stand up for herself. A few of my favorite things about my little girl:
- She still nurses to sleep at night and every now and then when she isn't feeling well. I love that our nursing relationship has gotten us this far and listening to her yell at me for milkies when Sean is on bedtime night, is one of the sweetest things (mostly because Sean tells her that she needs to stand at the top of the stairs and yell for me).
- She goes to sleep in her big girl bed just about every night and has spent a few nights in there, by herself. Most nights she wakes up crying and Sean or I will go get her. She then finds her way between Sean and I and mostly on top of me, kicking me out of bed. But many times, she rolls over and mutters snuggles and milkies and makes sure she snuggles in close.
- She has learned from watching Liam - just one more, she says to me, holding her index finger up and smiling - whether it's a book at night, a piece of candy or one more time to fill up the squirt gun, she knows the look to give to get what she wants.
- I love the way she yells Mickey Mouse Clubhouse when we let them watch a show, only to sit for a solid 39 seconds before she is off and running doing something else.
- She is very opinionated - she knows what she wants, when she wants it and if she doesn't get it, well, watch out - she will let you know - she will flail backwards, kick her legs out and cry and scream at the top of her lungs.
- She is doing everything and anything to keep up with big brother, Liam. She is killing it on her strider bike, wanting to dirt bike, play with anything he is playing with and so on. She also likes to pick on him, and get him in trouble, but I know she is mostly always starting it.
- Me too! is her favorite thing to say, or rather yell!
- She's being quite stubborn with potty training at this time, thought we'd have her in underpants by now, but she'd prefer to just get her candy here and there, silly kid.
I'm sure there are a million more things that I want to capture about her right now, but this is my list to get started, to make up for being late, and to show her, even though she is the second, I love her just as much as Liam - just a few months doesn't prove anything, right?
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