Thursday, July 24, 2014

Liam melts my heart

I was excited to go and pick Liam up yesterday and prepare for a visit from Randy and Marianne.  I was even more excited when I walked in and he came running over to me to give me a huge hug.  He did really well again at day care, hasn't cried in a few days now and took a great nap.  He didn't eat much, not unusual for him.  I asked if he wanted to go and have dinner, he seemed quite excited.  We got home, I put him in his seat and started to prepare him dinner.  I'll be honest, it wasn't the best dinner, the groceries in our house are a little slim, but nonetheless, it was food he typically eats.  I was working on putting away some dishes and getting dinner ready for our guests.  I was excited to see Liam take a bite of his cheese and eat some meatballs.  Well, it was probably 2 seconds later, I turn to see him throwing his plate in the air with the food going EVERYWHERE!  Ugh, this was not helpful, I was trying to clean, he was making a mess.  I got upset at him, more upset than I should have...he is just a kid and wanted my attention.  He got put in a time out where he cried and cried and cried.  I was able to get a few things done, but then I felt terrible.  I decided he could get down and help me.  That was an even worse deicision!  He was chasing me around crying and yelling for me.  I have no idea what the problem was, my best guess was that he had to misbehave now since he was good all day.

We tried to sit down again and he ate a bit before again, throwing his food EVERYWHERE.  That is normal, right?  I then noticed Randy and Marianne arrived so I took Liam down to greet them.  He was great, didn't cry when he saw them and even said hi.  But of course, I couldn't put him down.  We showed them the house, had dinner and Mr. Liam was nice and crabby through it all.

He was running a few times and just fell, I knew it was time for this kid to get to bed.  I got his milk ready and swooped him upstairs.  I decided to skip the bath and head right to bed.  Liam wasn't sure he liked that, so to stall, he decided he needed to use the potty.  He successfully did, which was great.  I finally got him back into his room and wrestled him into his pjs.  We laid down, read a few books and have some milk.  Then I like to think it's time for him to just close his eyes and go to sleep.  Nope, it was time to make sure the turtle was on, read more books, get out of bed and run away from mommy.  So, I let it happen for a while, finally, he settled a bit and after getting his dog and blanket all arranged, he finally laid down next to me.

He did something funny the other night and he did it again this night.  I tried to rub his head to get him tired, he grabbed my hand and put it around his tummy.  Then, he sat up, looking a bit upset.  He grabbed my hand that was on my head and pulled it town.  I knew what he was doing, so I just rested it on my stomach.  Sure enough, just like he did the other night, he grabbed both hands to make sure they enclosed him in a huge hug.  It was wonderful and at that moment, I forgot about everything else, I forgot that he was such a pain in my butt and I remembered that this kid needs love.  He needs mommy's hugs and cuddles.  He needs me.  And I need him just as much.  So, yes, he melted my heart, he chose for me to hug him and hold him close.  He loves me so and his love is so pure, so natural and how it should be.  It's a great reminder to show your love and melt hearts.

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