So, my previous post that really got me thinking about life and how to live the best I can was about being real, being real with myself in all aspects of my life. Since that post I have done a pretty great job of working out and eating better. And I figure I can continue to proceed to do a pretty good job, or I can step it up another notch and do an awesome job. So, I talked to Sean about it a little bit last night and I think we are going to make a leap and start to eat real food. And I realize it won't be easy, not at all. But I think it's something we can do. I think it will be much easier to make Liam goldfish crackers than to buy them. I was excited to find out we have a farmer's market that is open daily just about 15 minutes from our house. The pickings were slim last time, but I'm hoping that will change as the months go on. The owner seemed to be excited to share his fruits and veggies with me, and I'm not going to lie, the cucumbers were awesome! So, that's a great first step in getting more local fruits and veggies in us.
I think Sean is a bit hesitant to take the leap, the full on leap, so I think we will plan to just take small steps to get where we want to be. And I'm sure Liam will be very upset when we are out of Oreos, but I'm hoping he will forget and start to enjoy some more natural foods, even if that means I will be making oreos. And as I keep looking more and more at what the recipes entail, I realize things are totally doable. I also reminded myself that I enjoy cooking and taking pride in what I eat. So, I will work to continue that in addition to adding a trip to the farmer's market and will do the best we can. Can I promise myself I won't cheat or that I will ensure the all the rules are followed? Well, probably not, I mean, after all, I am a bit human, so I'm sure I'll slip up here and there, but I am going to plan to do my best. I am going to plan to succeed in this eating better and making it work and last. I want Liam to see that it's normal to get things from the farmer's market, I want him to learn about real food and what is good and not great to eat. Do I plan on cutting him off from the oreos for good? Nope, I plan on making a slow transition, but one nonetheless to get us on track to eating real food.
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