Cora has grown up in so many ways, she takes up tons more space in bed and is moving all over. She isn't walking yet, but she is crawling, standing and cruising. She is babbling plenty, screams when she wants things, points, smiles and giggles plenty. She gives these silly wide open mouth kisses that are just too sweet to pass up, even if it means slobber all over me. She thinks she's so funny when it's time for bed and I actually try to put her down in bed and she gets up, rolls over and climbs all over me. Her laugh and giggle are hard to be upset around, so bedtime can be a challenge, just like Liam.
But she's a year, and that means so many other things. It means she has nursed for a year, it was all us, she did it, she worked so hard and so did I! She made it a year on mostly all breastmilk. My body did what it needed to do for her. And we will still nurse, who knows for how long, but right now, I really enjoy the extra bonding we have. I learned so much from my struggle with Liam that I am proud to have gotten this far with her. We had a few bumps, but we made it, we made it a year and I'm so proud of that.
And while I don't have my pre-baby body back, I trust that I am where I am for a reason, maybe I need to hold on to a little extra weight to keep making my milk for Cora. While some days are frustrating when some pants still don't fit, I remember that I'm working for Cora right now...not as much as I had to in the past, but still, I want to make milk for her and I am going to keep doing it...I can probably focus a little more on me, extra workouts, etc, but I'm not going to drag myself down anymore about it, Cora won't nurse forever, and when she's done, I can get back to kicking butt.

So yeah, a year, a year of so many things, my baby girl is growing up and I miss my little snuggle bug, I'm lucky that she is still a snuggle bug, or at least I make her be one. I love walking with her in a carrier and feeding her, even though she mostly wants to look around and play...she still likes to be close to me and that's an amazing feeling, I look forward to growing with her as our relationship changes, but in the end, she will always be my baby girl.
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