It began on Monday, well, I guess technically it began back when I was talking to Torch about how Littleton Fire Department was going to hire 20 new recruits in November. While it didn't happen in November, that's when Sean took his first test to get the ball rolling with this new chapter...and he approached each step with caution and doubt he'd make it to the next step, but the next step kept coming until Monday...which was his first day at the fire academy. We were told it'd be hard, he will work long hours, come home tired and have homework to do. But he'd be home every night at least, I thought. And he'd be off on it shouldn't be too bad, right? Three days in and so far so good...things aren't always easy, I have had a rough few mornings and one fantastic morning getting the kids out the door...Monday Liam just cried for a while, today Cora pooped all over her outfit just as we were leaving, but we made it out the door on time and I made it work on time. I'm working to adjust my work schedule to take some stress off of me as well, so hopefully that will happen. And we are almost down to just 13 weeks - July 8, it's the day he will graduate academy and it's when all of this will be done. July 8 - seems so close, yet so far away.
But I believe we will make it, I believe Sean will make it and make himself one of the best firefighters there can be...and I believe I will rock this part time single mom gig...of course, there are doubts. What happens when Sean is stuck late and I have a meeting? What happens when I just can't get the kids of out the door even close to on time? What happens when Sean is too tired to take out the trash and I forget? What happens if I am too tired to do the dishes, or laundry? We will make it, we will make it work, we will catch up at some point and we will be back on track,
It's been a crazy ride to get here, get where Sean wanted to be. I'm lucky, I have pretty much a dream job that gets better everyday. But Sean, he mostly just worked, he did very important work most or all of his life, but this was something he could really get into. Now, if you asked Sean what he wanted to be when he grows up, he has no idea...besides a professional race car driver, but does admit this is pretty much the next best thing. So what if I work a little harder, watch less TV, pick up some slack here and there during these 14 weeks - isn't that was a marriage is all about? Sean has always done that for me in my busy seasons, whether it be watching the kids extra, helping me at my events, or anything in between. We help each other, we make a good team and now, now is my turn to help him out, to support him in his dream and to make it through these few months.

I'll admit, I'm a little worried, the program he is in sounds quite intense...very intense, but I feel if we have a plan and make it all happen to some extent we can make it through this, we can help each other, we can push each other and we can let each other rest if needed. We can get through this. Sometimes I think Sean acts a little worried about things so I have to step up and believe and convince him we can do things, all while believing it myself. And sometimes he probably has doubts, but that is one of the best things about us, it's our balance. So I am sure I won't get nearly enough time with Sean over the next few months, but I also know that it's important he spend time with the kids and get his work I can push myself aside, at least for a while and make sure we have our plan in place to move forward...and Sean is being great about doing anything he can to help me, so plans help me so much...when you fail to plan, you fail, right? At least I mostly do. So I plan to move forward and plan well and get through these 14 weeks, for Sean, for us, for the life we will have after those 14 weeks. While the first year will be tough, at least he will back on a normal schedule, at least normal for us.
So, this chapter is exciting and new and thrilling - and a little scary and a bit overwhelming, but I know we will make it...and have I mentioned how Liam has woken up the past 2 mornings asking when he can go to the fire station - he's a little excited about daddy being a fireman!
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