Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Decision made

Yes, we did it, we made a decision.  I guess we made a decision a while ago, I was just pretending it wasn't final.  I'm not sure why...maybe I'm a little worried that if I get too excited about our decision it will all crumble apart, maybe I fear that after I tell people, I will have to once again tell them it isn't true and we aren't going.  But yesterday I told my parents and while it was hard, my mom was very understanding - told me she was pretty sure we were going to go all along.  Ha, so much for keeping a secret from them, right?  Never learn to keep secrets from your parents.  So, yes, we made our decision, we are moving to Colorado!  Woo hoo, I want to be in the excited stage - I don't want to be worried or scared anymore - time for excited.  We have set out our lists, now it's time to make a plan and go from there!  Time for a plan - I' excited, the ball is rolling, so follow along for tears, laughs and I'm sure plenty of blunders!  All because we are choosing the path less traveled and we are hoping it will make all the difference!

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