Monday, December 21, 2015


It's the magic number, right...yes, yes it is.  Yesterday Liam turned three.  How is that possible?  How was he born just 3 years ago, I feel like so much has happened in that time, I can't even wrap my head around it.  I think back on the day he was born, his story, our first few months, our first year and so on.  And I am so proud of that little guy - he is turning into such a kid, such his own person, which is great!  Of course, he has his moments, many of them, but most kids do, right?  So today I will take a few minutes to remember what I love most about him right now.  There aren't words to really express how much I love him, how much my love has grown as he has grown, but here are just a few things that make me smile about him for now, would love to freeze these moments in time:

  • I love the way he cuddles and plays with Cora, a little too hard at some point, but he will just come up and hug and kiss her in the sweetest way.  I also love the way he says "Sweetie, it's OK" when she is crying, similar to how I say it to her.
  • He is a parrot - he repeats what we say, which can be quite funny - he got us all laughing this weekend when he repeated my mom saying "Oh gosh" and then continued to say it over and over as we laughed.
  • He is ready to do things on his own, get out his cereal in the morning, get his boots on, so many things that he does each day to help me, makes me so happy to have the help and a little sad he isn't needing me in that way so much anymore.  
  • During bath time, he thinks it's hilarious to sit in Cora's bathtub after she gets out.  I have no idea how he manages to get in and out, but he does and he giggles when he is in there in such a goofy silly way.
  • He still stomps his little feet into our bedroom some nights and while some nights Sean takes him back to his room, some nights he climbs up and sneaks in without us knowing, it typically means that Cora wakes up when I move here and I have little to no room to sleep, but it's the most loving night of "rest" I can get.  He's getting so big I'm not sure how long he'll fit in bed with us, but I'll let it keep happening as long as he wants.  
  • The faces he makes, the way he rolls his eyes at us (how does a 3 year old even know what that means), the smiles he gives when he knows he is asking for something he shouldn't have and they way he knows how to make me laugh when I need it the most.
  • How he hugs and kisses me - I feel like hugs and kisses with kids are always changing, but right now, he runs to me, tries to tackle me and hugs me so big, I love it...even if I'm not expecting it and he tackles me.
  • Reading books with him when he can fill in some of the words, hearing him learn new words and new sounds and just listening to him talk, sometimes I still have no idea what he is saying, but he is talking and he knows what he wants!
I'm sure I can go on and on and perhaps I'll add more later, but for now, I will be done with his 3 year post, maybe someday he'll want to read these, most likely I'll sit and cry and read these when he is a teenager, but whatever the case may be, I'm happy to capture these moments, just for a little bit longer.
This was my last picture of my 2 year old, the night before his 3rd birthday.

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