Monday, September 26, 2016

Wild Weekend

It was another weekend of Sean being on shift both Saturday and Sunday - we haven't had to do too many of these yet and it really doesn't happen as often as it used to, but man, we struggled.  Or I suppose I should say that I struggled, really struggled on Saturday with the kids - mostly Liam, but Cora was tough as well.  Not sure what the deal was, no clue what was in the air, but whatever it was, it sucked and I hope I can do anything to avoid it from happening again.

Saturday started out, interesting to say the least.  I  spent the night in bed with Cora since she was up and fussy and I wanted to make sure Sean got a good nights rest the night before he had to go to work.  I woke up at about 5:30 hearing Burton making puke noises...I ran out of bed to get him outside or whatever, but as soon as I got up, he was fine and went under our bed, no puke, crisis adverted, however, Cora was crying since I was more than 5 inches away from  her.  So, I took her into out bed and snuggled and nursed her back to sleep.  I finally dozed off after Sean went to work and then, I hear it again, Burton, under our bed, hacking up something.  I shot up and tried to get him out from under the bed, but nope, too late, he puked up some lovely grass under our bed - and Cora cried, since I was more than 5 inches away from her again.  I cleaned up the puke, with a screaming baby in bed and then crawled back into bed and I think I was able to doze off for a while, probably the longest I slept all night.  It was about 7:30 before Liam came in and we just hung out in bed for a while, I was tired, but the day seemed to be going all right, just having a lazy day.

Then, I have no idea what happened, but Liam stopped listening, Cora kept crying and I was stuck, no way out, no where to go, just had to deal with the kids all day.  I decided, even though Liam was not listening to anything I said, it should be time to get out, we'd go to the lake to walk around, head to the nature center and hopefully see some elk.  We finally got out of the house and went on our way.  We mostly had a good time, Liam and Cora loved playing in the nature center, I watched them and how different they play each time we go there - how much more independent my little guy is getting and how many more things Cora is interested in.  Sounds like a fix, we are all happy, right?  Wrong!  The non-listening continued on and on, we walked for a while, I carried Cora after she sat down in the middle of the path and then we did all right, I felt better, the kids weren't terrible, so I pushed my luck - we went grocery shopping.  Lesson learned - unless you are having an amazing day with angel children, don't go shopping on a Saturday afternoon with them.  We shopped, things went all right, and then it happened, things spiraled down, down, down and never returned.  I don't even recall how it all started, maybe with Liam running over to the horse for a horse ride, or Cora freaking out because I took away her apple to pay for it, but things just went from bad to worse.

We finally got in the car and went home.  Cora took a nap, Liam helped carry groceries in and I gave up, a movie and sandwiches on the couch was the temporary fix so I could get my head on straight and it mostly worked.  We had a few more issues, just yelling.  I've been working so hard not to yell and Liam, even in his terrible fits, but Saturday, it all came out.  I'm not sure what I was yelling about, but man, everytime it happened, I felt like the worst mother in the world.  I hate those days, days where nothing really snaps you out of it, maybe the kids recover, but you still feel like crap.  All I wanted to do was put the kids and myself to bed at 7:00 and be done and try again the next day. But Sean's sister, Johanna, was coming in and I had to get her from the airport.  So, thankfully, we made it to 7;30 and loaded up to hit the road.  Cora was asleep as soon as I put her in her carseat and Liam was out by the time we got to the was peace and quiet - I hadn't heard that since, well, since before Burton puked that day.  And it was great.  I found Johanna pretty quick and we headed home.  I was thankful I had bedtime help and I was also very excited to give Cora some snuggles as I felt she needed mommy all day and while I was with her, my brain was too busy to enjoy.  We got home and Cora went right now and Liam read some stories, then went right to bed like such a good kid.  Whatever had taken over our house and us earlier that day was gone, thank goodness.

On Sunday, I was ready for an adventure.  We got up early and headed to Kenosha Pass to see some fall colors - and needless to say it was amazing and really crowded, but mostly amazing.  And I was reminded of things so much bigger than a kid not listening, I realized sometimes I ask to much from them, I realized sometimes they are allowed to not listen and be kids.  They were both different kids on Sunday.  Liam hiked for a while and then really wanted me to carry him, me, the person that was yelling at him all day yesterday.  And we were good, he would just keep repeating me and saying, wow, it keeps getting prettier and prettier, he'd look at leaves and find rocks.  He was being a kid and I loved every minute of it.  It helped that he was listening as well.  So, lesson learned, when all else fails, just get outside and play, as much as possible, with as few rules as possible.  And if that doesn't work, but the kid in a carrier, he loves it, I still love it and we reconnect and snap out of whatever funk we are in.

The weekend ended with us driving to say hi to Sean for a few minutes, then coming home and playing in the dirt, something else my kids love.  We wound down with a movie and then a lovely bath night.  Cora and I got extra snuggles - Liam got extra books with Johanna and suckered me into me - who can say no when your almost 4 year old puts on his pout face for snuggles?  I ended up going to bed feeling renewed and refreshed and now, finally able to forgive myself for not being perfect.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Decide what to be...

...and go be it.  I bought a shirt with this on it at the Avett Brothers show that Sean and I went to a few weeks ago.  And the statement just sits with me.  Decide what to be - well, that's easier said that done, how can I decide what to be when all sorts of things happening in my life are mostly telling me what to be, dictating how to use my time and not giving me a huge chance to decide for myself.  And then just go be's just that easy, right?  Just go be whatever you want to me...just decide.

I struggled with that over this weekend a little bit.  We had a nice weekend, stayed around our house and had some mini-adventures.  It was so fun.  Yesterday we decided to take my new bike out for a ride while Sean pulled the kids.  It was a new path in Clear Canyon running right along the creek.  It was a great, the sun was out but it hadn't gotten too hot yet, the water was running along the creek and the path wasn't too crowded.  Then we got to the end, and it ended right at some mountain bike trails.  Perfect, right?  Well, Sean told me to go ride and I just couldn't.  I decided I wasn't going to do well and it happened, I sucked at it and just bailed for some reason.  So, I guess it work, I decided I wasn't going to succeed and I didn't.  How come decided what to be and acting on it is nice and easy when it's negative.  Boo to to the thoughts that continued to tell me that I'm not really good at anything anymore.  I used to be good at things, soccer, running, biking, climbing...but to be honest, I don't do these things on a regular basis anymore, I'm too busy.  Another great excuse.  Too busy working, having a house, raising the kids, being a single mom a few days a week and the list goes on.  But I call bullshit on myself on that one.  I am so quick to find an excuse as to why my pants don't fit, or why I want to just have one more beer, but let's be honest, it's all crap.

I am very capable of making wise decisions for myself, I have will power to not eat the bars of toffee sitting next to me and I have to be able to stick with it.  It's frustrating to have to work so hard on everything, or at least that is what it seems like to me.  Like, why can't I just eat pretty decent and then fit into my pants?  Why do I have to be spot on with my nutrition, my working out and everything else?  Why can't I just get a little slack?  Again, I call crap on myself....

It's time to really decide what I want to be and make it happen.  I have a goal that seemed like I had so much time to accomplish...when I turn 40, I want to be in the best shape of my life.  So, here we go, it's a year and a half away and I am getting there, I know I am getting stronger and maybe some of those pants won't ever fit, but honestly, I'm ready for it.  I'm ready to kick some butt and work my tail off, yet again.  Of course, today I opted to eat lunch instead...perhaps a nice walk will get my juices going before my meeting...but I need to find the balance.  The balance of having my life, being with my kids and also being the best me I can be.  It's hard to remember that I'm a priority, it's easy to be stuck doing everything else for everyone else.  I need time for me.  Sometimes I need to fit in my workout with my kids, sometimes I need to spend time with my husband, but I also need time for me.  I need time to breath and stretch and relax - in comes yoga.  Yoga will be my peace for now, just a few minutes here and there, but something, getting my head in a place I know I can be successful.

Yep, I'm all over the place today, but basically, I needed to get this out....I'm awesome and amazing and I can do anything I put my mind to and that's it, it's time to put my mind to it, to getting to the next level of fitness for me.  And I have to remember that not everyday I'm going to feel like going out there and kicking butt, but at least moving is something and it's more than better than, off I go, to get some fresh air and recharge for my meeting...and be the best me I can be.