Thursday, December 18, 2014

Birthday celebration

Yesterday was my birthday, birthdays are so funny, and become so interesting the older you get.  At this point, it comes and it goes, and we celebrate and do things and I get to use it as an excuse to eat out one more time, take one more day off, you know those things.  But this year, my focus was not on me at all.  Yesterday was my 20 week ultra sound.  I was looking forward to, who doesn't want to hear that everything is all right with your baby.  We were also going to find out the gender of this little wiggly worm.

But we had plenty to do before that day came along.  Sean was off over the weekend and it was the only weekend we would both be off and be here this month.  I wanted to make the most of it.  I always have this grand idea for some great adventures that turn into just the opposite.  On Saturday, we decided Burton needed some dog park time, so we went out to Elk Meadows.  I had to get my run in so I split off from the boys for a while and did that.  Once I caught back up to them, we walked our usual loop and headed back to the car, we had plenty more to do that day.

After a quick shower and lunch (in which I had to throw out at least 2 pieces of bread due to burning while making my grilled cheese sandwich, that didn't end up being very grilled due to me not wanting to burn more bread), we got in the car and headed to Olivia's birthday party.  It was a fun time, Liam was the youngest and was more interested in her toys than the activities, but he still had fun.  Once he was just about in melt down mode, we hit the road again, back to Kittridge, we got work Santa was going to be there.

We got to the park he was supposed to be at and it was quite dark, there were about 20 people hanging out, there was a table with some cookies and hot chocolate and a few garbage cans with fires to keep everyone warm.  Santa and Mrs. Claus were there as well.  We waited in a line of one whole person before Liam went to see Santa.  He wasn't so sure about what was going on, sat for a bit while I held him, cried a little, but managed to cry out that he wanted trucks for Christmas.  It was a cute little moment.  And Santa was so nice to him.  Liam was happy to grab a cookie when we saw the sleigh rides pull up.  Liam got to meet the horses, Kit and Kat and we had to wait for the next ride.  I had some hot chocolate with whipped cream (which I thought was a great addition, forget the marshmellows, that's what I want!) and we waited with a few more cookies for the horse ride.  We got on and went around the neighborhood singing Christmas carols most of the way.  It was a fun night and time to head home and get to bed, after all, I was ready for a big adventure on Sunday.

So, Sunday morning came and we hadn't made any big plans to go and do anything.  We did get some snow, which made me quite happy.  I love the look of the snow on our evergreen trees, the brightness that fresh snow brings and we were pretty sure we weren't going to do to much.  Sean always has a good way of spinning things around.  Instead of being upset about the lack of adventure, he viewed it a different way, we would have a stay mostly home adventure.  We went shopping to get things for me to make cookies, cupcakes and a few other things for Liam's party.  We invited over some friends, we lit a fire and we had a stay home adventure day.  It was great, we baked a bit, played in the snow and got to hang out.  The dogs had a blast and were tired by the end of it all, as I was.  Of course, a few things we made didn't turn out, due to me having a pregnant brain, but in the end, we got a few yummy things from it.

I came to work on Monday and let the boys hang out.  Sean had some plans in town, so we ended up meeting for a sushi dinner at our favorite place.  Our waitress, who just loves Liam, is having a baby in a few weeks and she might look less pregnant that I do.  We had a great time, Liam was being super cute and silly and we headed home.  I took that as my birthday dinner and it was perfect.  I took Tuesday off and we decided to go to Copper to hit the slopes.  It was a great day, they just got some snow the day before and slopes were nicely groomed.  We stuck mostly on greens and threw a few blues in, but it was a great day.  At some point, Sean and I got seperated and I found the most amazing run...situated between evergreens covered in snow, I was the only one on it...I had to stop at some point and just enjoy the amazingness of being there, alone, totally silent, in the middle of a ski resort, being in my my moment.  I tried to take Sean back there, but it didn't work out, he said that maybe that was my moment to have with myself, and it was true.  I loved it.  We left to get home to get Liam and spent the night making cookies, or rather messes and having fun.  Liam thinks it is quite funny to be covered in flour and cover me in it as well.  I plan to make our Christmas cookie making a tradition that I hope he always wants to be a part of.

Then it was my brithday, of course, Liam decided he had no desire to sleep in past when Sean got up to take a shower to think he was going to work.  But he did give me some lovely birthday cuddles to start the day, I'll take that over a kick to the face anyday!  I was hoping Sean could come with me to the ultrasound, but he had to go to work.  He took Liam to day care while I wrapped presents, it seemed like a million, I think we overdid Christmas this year.  I went to my appointment and got to see baby wiggle pants squirm all around as they were trying to take pictures.  Since Sean wasn't there, I had them not tell me the gender, but write it down so we could find out together.  All was good, the baby was healthy and all things looked good.  I even got a follow up e-mail from the doctor confirming the baby was all good.  As soon as I left I called Sean to track him down.  Thankfully he was on his way to a case and had a few minutes to chat, so I met him there and we learned what we are having.  It was nice to share that moment with him instead of finding out by myself, I love that we have moments like that to share and that I didn't peak to find out.

So, there we have it, my birthday celebration.  The night ended with Liam helping me decorate cookies and dumping all the sprinkles on the floor.  I had a nice relaxing and lazy day at home, which is rare for me, but I certainly took advantage of being lazy while I could.  Now, to get back to the million things I have to do before we leave for IL on Sunday!  And Liam's party on Saturday in between!  I'd call it a great birthday, maybe even an awesome celebration weekend!

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