Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A new focus

It's time for me to turn my energies back to something different.  For months I have been stressed and worried and trying to make all ends meet.  In the process, I have sometimes forgotten where the ends are supposed to meet.  I have been so caught up in making sure I am doing my job the best, being the best mom and wife and making sure our house is just perfect.  And it's too much on some days.  Don't get me wrong, the days where I successfully get Liam out of the house on time, bring with all his snacks and lunch, take a healthy lunch and snacks for me, get to work early and rock my day are great.  But sometimes I try just too hard to make it all work.  So, I have decided to lighten up.  I'm not going to be overly concerned if the laundry sits in the dryer for an extra day, or if Liam leaves the house with a little mess on his face.

I'm going to change my focus, to living a happy and healthy life.  For me, right now, that means eating well and working out, planning to get into the best shape I have ever been in.  I think I can do it, it will be hard and may take some sacrifice, but I can do it.  I know how hard I can work, physically and mentally, I also know how hard I can be on myself sometimes.  And I need to work to find the balance of all of that.  I need to put a new focus on me, on living the way I want to, on eating healthy, on taking care of me while I take care of everyone else.  And sometimes I need to remember to make sure that I let others take care of themselves as well.

So, I've started my food journal again, so I know what is going into my body.  I've started working out daily, even if it just some legs pilates work out, it is something.  I plan on working out more, getting back into my yoga, I miss my yoga so much.  I am shifting my focus from making everything perfect to making sure I am on the right track and so much more will fall into place.  So, here goes, here goes a step in the right direction, and here goes to always moving in that direction, no matter how small it may be, it's a going the right way.  Time to make it happen, for Liam, for my family, but most importantly, for me.

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