Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Decision time

Yes, it is time for us to make probably one of the biggest decisions in our lives.  Isn't it funny how at times, it seems like everything big is the biggest decision of your life - get married, buy a house, have a baby...and then looking back, they aren't really that big of a deal.  But this, this is big.  Sean got the job - I'm so proud of him - he made them want to hire him, he had all the right smarts and he got himself a job - in Colorado.  A paying job, a pretty well paying job...so, now what?  Do we go?  Do we just do it?  Do we pass on this and stay where we are, unhappy by the things around us to do, but happy as a whole?  Will moving allow us to explore and play and have the life we dream about?  Or will real life bog us down and it will be like we are still here in Illinois?  What do we do?

Sean told me to ponder it for a while, and I have been pondering since I heard.  I am excited, I want to tell people, I want to talk about it, but I'm trying to keep it hush, hush.  But we only have 3 days to decide.  Only 3 days to decide if we want to up and leave our life for the dream we both have.  3 little days to figure out if we are doing what is best for Liam or if we are setting ourselves up for failure.  3 days to figure out how we will best sell our house, pack our things and move our lives to the mountains.  3 days.

I want to say yes, let's do it.  Let's take a chance and do it.  After all, nothing is final - we can come back if we needed to.  True, I wouldn't have a job, but we can come back and figure out something.  But then why go?  I don't plan on coming back - I don't plan on giving up everything to come back here to nothing.  But if it happens, is that the worst thing in the world?

I don't know, I want to go, I really do, but I want to know it will work out, I want to know I can get a job, I want to know we will make the move, sell the house, find a place to be happy.  I want there to be more knowns.  And that is impossible.  There is no way to know the future.  So, do I stay here, content with my life or do we go and take a chance to have an adventure everyday.  3 days to decide....

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