Friday, September 20, 2013

Start date

Yes, we have an official start date for Sean.  November 13.  Which is coming up, but still enough time to figure things out - or at least I think so.  We have another list - a list of things to do around the house and it looks like we will be busy this weekend in hopes of getting the house presentable for a realtor, who is coming on Sunday and then our house will be for sale.  Huh, that makes all of this pretty final and set...for now at least. We are going to sell our house.  The thought of this makes me a bit sad.  We worked hard on our house and I think it has turned out quite nice!  We had more projects planned, but I guess at this point, we can let those go and find a new house to tackle.  It will be sad to sell the house, it was our first house, the first place we actually lived together on our own, where we got Burton and of course, where we brought Liam home to.  I remember the first night we spent on the floor in the living in our sleeping bags - in front of the fire place (in my mind we started a fire, but I might be making that up!).  At that point, we were excited about our future and the possibilities in front of us.  And to be honest, I was never sure our dream to move to Colorado was going to happen.

But that is one, of the many, amazing things about Sean.  He has a dream or an idea and he does whatever he can to make it happen.  He doesn't like to be in the same place for too long - which in a way, had me scared at some points, what if the life he had with me was in "the same place" for too long and he would want to change that, and find a new life.  He doesn't like when I say that out loud, so I am sure he will be even more mad that I typed it...but no longer do I feel that.  I know that no matter where Sean and I end up, we will be happy together, forever.

This is a HUGE task we are taking on, and it will be TONS of work, we both know that.  I actually feel like yesterday and today will be my last few relaxing days or quite some time.  But we also know that when Sean and I work together on something, we can do some amazing work.  I think that is easily seen in our biggest accomplishment to date - the kitchen remodel!  I mean, we just killed that project!  Oh wait, I guess we have something a bit bigger than that that we worked on together - our little Liam (who, in our eyes is no longer little).  What an amazing little man we have on our hands - he has so much personality already that I am in trouble!  But what is life without a little trouble from the boys in my life!  So, off we go, relaxing and hanging out tonight, and start working tomorrow, time to get everything in action and make this move!

Oh yeah, and details about me are still to be determined.  When I go out there will depend on when the house sells, when I get a job and all that fun stuff.  Fingers crossed for the house at this point - the rest, we can figure out!  Let's sell this house!

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