Sunday, December 29, 2013

Getting settled

Yes, it is now time to get settled in our new place.  I feel like the holidays went by in such a blur I didn't even have time to take out my computer and write about them.  They were busy, full of friends and family and love and laughs.  It was hard to stop and enjoy all the moments, we were rushing off here and there, but overall, we had a great time.  Liam had a great Christmas and enjoyed opening his presents.  He was a little slow but got plenty of help from his cousins.  And the we packed the car, said our good byes and headed out.

I was doing a good job of putting off long drawn out good byes with most people - most people I convinced I would still see them before I leave, so we could put it off.  Some people we just pretended like nothing was changing.  And then there was my family.  It was hard to say good bye to my sister, we are both cry-ers, so I knew that was going to happen.  We had a great, long hug and neither of us wanted to let go.  I promised we would be back, see them again and be in touch.  I don't imagine myself not going back to see my family, perhaps not as often as I had before, but I will still see them.  It was hard to say good bye to my parents.  Watching them say good bye to Liam was tough as well.  In a way, I'm glad he didn't know any better, I'm thinking if he did, that would have been really hard on them.  But, again, I promised we'd be back to visit and I made them promise they would come and see us as well.  I am thinking I have to work on getting that all set up, that visit.  Liam will be so excited to see them again, I know he will.

And then we have started to unpack, or kept unpacking, however you want to look at it and it has been a chore.  We have so many things, and perhaps not enough places to put them, but we are making it work.  But now, it's the real reason for this blog, to get us closer to nature, to enjoy the mountains and to find out place at this higher altitude.  While I am sure there will be plenty of emotional blogs about missing this and that, there will also be blogs about our adventures, where we have gone and what we have done.  So, join us!

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